Quick Start

Quick Overview

Motra is a library that brings model to model (M2M) and model to text (M2T) transformation for Python based on PyEcore. It tries to mimic the semantic (until a certain level) of QVTo for M2M transformations and of Acceleo for M2T transformations, but in pure Python. Motra also introduces a transformation chain engine that let you describe a complex sequence of transformations, reducing the pain of doing it manually.

M2M Quick start

To see how the M2M part works, lets introduce a very simple M2M refactoring transformation that just take a model instance of Ecore, and update the name of each EClass.

# We consider here that the transformation is defined in a module "mytransfo.py"
import pyecore.ecore as ecore  # we import the input/output metamodel
import motra.m2m as m2m  # we import the m2m transformation possible
import motra  # we import directly motra to have some utils functions

prefixM2M = m2m.Transformation("prefixM2M", inputs=['mymodel'], outputs=['mymodel'])

def main(mymodel):
  for eclass in motra.objects_of_kind(mymodel, ecore.EClass):

# This rule only update the name of the input object with a dumb prefix
def update_name(self: ecore.EClass):
  result.name := 'MyPrefix' + self.name
  # or:
  # self.name := 'MyPrefix' + self.name

This simple transformation gives some piece of information about what are the specificities of a Motra M2M. First, it’s important to import the metamodel you are working on, here it’s the ecore metamodel. Then, the transformation “signature” is defined using the m2m.Transformation class. In the constructor of this object, the first parameter is the name, and the others are defining the name of the inputs and outputs parameters. As we are on a transformation that modify the input model, then the same name is found in the inputs and in the outputs. Each transformation need an entry point, defined using the main decorator. The function decorated by main has to take as parameter the same names defined in the transformation, here mymodel. The objects passed to the main function are always the PyEcore resources containing the model. Here, the main function simply filters all EClass instances from the resource and iterates on them, calling the update_name mapping rule. The update_name function is here defined as a special mapping taking only ecore.EClass as inputs. Mappings have some constraints:

  • they have to use the annotations on each parameters of the mapping,

  • if they produce a new object, it has to be the return type of the mapping (given through an annotation),

  • the first parameter of the mapping have to be named self,

  • the result variable is automatically instanciated (when necessary) and injected by Motra.

This transformation can be defined at any level, but it’s recommended to place it in a dedicated module. Many transformations can be defined for a module, but unless they are small, it sounds like a good practice to put them in a dedicated module. Once the transformation is defined, it can be directly run from another Python module/main, whatever:

from mytransfo import prefixM2M

# as input, the "run" method accepts:
# * PyEcore Resources,
# * string path towards models,
# * directly an EObject that is the unique root of your model
result = prefixM2M.run(mymodel="examples/inputs/input.ecore")

# The result object is an object giving many ways of accessing the input/output resources.
# Each output/input accessed via the result of a transformation is always a PyEcore Resource.
result.outputs.mymodel  # Access the result of the transformation by name
result.inputs.mymodel   # Access the input of the transformation by name
result.outputs[0]   # Access the first output model produced by the transformation
result.inputs[0]    # Access the first input model produced by the transformation

# By default, the output of a transformation is not serialized. It has to be done explicitally:

# From the result of a transformation, you can also access some other informations
result.transformation  # Access the transformation that produced this result
result.trace  # Access the execution trace of the transformation (WIP)

Note: after you defined a transformation and you decide to run it, there is no need to explicitally register a metamodel. The simple fact of using it in the transformation is enough for Motra to detect it and auto-register it, meaning that you can directly pass to the runner a path toward a model instance of your metamodel without having to register the metamodel first in a dedicated ResourceSet.

M2T Quick start

To see how the M2T part works, lets introduce a very simple M2T code generator that takes an ecore metamodel and simply generates two different outputs:

  • a list of each EClass name in a file named after the name of the EPackage that contains them,

  • a list of each EPackage name manipulated during the transformation on stdout.

  import motra.m2t as m2t

  mygen = m2t.Transformation('mygen', inputs=['myecore'])

  def generate_epackage(self: ecore.EPackage):
  * Generating names for EPackage "${self.name}"
  <%motra:file path="/tmp/${self.name}.md">
  = ${self.name.capitalize()}

  % for eclass in self.eClassifiers:
  * ${generate_eclass(eclass)}
  % endfor

def generate_eclass(self: ecore.EClass):

From this transformation definition, here is what we can observe:

  • the definition of the transformation is more or less equivalent to the M2M ones,

  • templates are defined each @xxx.template docstrings,

  • the template syntax is Mako syntax,

  • unlike M2M Motra transformation, the main is directly expressed over a type (here EPackage),

  • there is a special balise <%motra:file></%motra:file> that defines in which file the code fragment must be generated.